By: George
I have paid a sum of Rs.45, 000.00 (Rs. Forty Five Thousand Only)to M/s Continental Immigration Consultancy Services Pvt.Ltd, Devika Tower, 1008, 10th Floor, Nehru Place, New DelhiRs.45, 000.00 on 21.10.2013 vide Chq.No.063636 dated 21.10.2013 drawn on Axis Bank Ltd, Karol Bagh, New Delhi for Visa Fee to Hong Kong for my daughter Gincy George. All the related documents for Visa processing sent the office of M/s Continental Immigration Consultancy Services Pvt.Ltd, Devika Tower, 1008, 10th Floor, Nehru Place, New Delhi in the first week of December, 2013. The Visa processing Officer of the office always says your file put in processing and its take maximum 6 months. Approximate 5 months later I call the office on 21.04.2014 for confirm the status of Visa processing they say they will call back 15 minutes. After my call they checked the documents and sent e-mail on 22.04.2014 to my daughter demanding some documents. Again I call to Ms.Meenu Arora Visa Officer in this office she says this is not my mistake and disconnect my call. The payment is given to them for Embassy charges. I am a poor family have my wife, two children and my old mother depending on me. Now I have no trust on the office i.e. M/s Continental Immigration Consultancy Services Pvt.Ltd or on their staff.Now I don’t want Visa.I want refund my money for Rs.45, 000.00.
Kindly do the need full
Yours faith fully, George Panicker L