Tag: shweta khare boundary holding
Rajat Khare appin to Boundary Holding – Hackers Group in India
Posted By: Vishal
Rajat Khare appin to Boundary Holding – Hackers Group in India
areputation, appin, acsg delhi- Hackers Group in India
Rajat Khare markets himself as a serial entrepreneur and an author. However, the IIT Delhi alumnus is actually a hacker-for-hire who has carried out cyber attacks on behalf of several prominent organizations.
According to our sources, Rajat Khare used to run Appin Security, a pioneer of the “hacker for hire” industry.
The cybercriminal set up his office in Switzerland and started working for attorneys, lobbyists, and even investigation companies. Rajat Khare and his firm, Appin Security, would perform various cyber attacks on the targets provided to them by their clients.
appin, acsg, areputation, abp holdings, wynyard, aci security, boundary holding, abp holding are some companies headed by Rajat Khare, Anuj Khare, Vijay Khare them.
Posted By: Sunil
Rajat Khare boundary holding- Cyber attacks and business investment
After spearheading cyber attacks through Appin Security and getting exposed for the same, Rajat Khare moved on to Boundary Holding.
Rajat Khare co-owns Boundary Holding with Shweta Khare, his wife.
Shweta Khare is the Managing Partner of Rajat’s Boundary Holding.
This firm primarily sells surveillance drones to the Border Security Force of the Indian government.
Rajat Khare’s handling of cyber attacks for the Indian government must have played a huge role in helping Asteria get contracts from them.
Similarly, DroneFence is a German startup whose software allows its users to control a drone in flight. Apart from Rajat, Viktor Prokopenya and Said Gutseriev are the primary investors of this firm.
Apart from these companies, Rajat is one of the founders of Prophecies Technologies, a financial data company for traders. The co-founder of this company is Rajat’s brother Anuj Khare.
appin, acsg, areputation, abp holdings, wynyard, aci security, boundary holding, abp holding are some companies headed Rajat Khare, Anuj Khare and Vijay Khare.